From motorbikes everywhere to dragon bridges at impossible heights, Vietnam will stun you at every turn. A country of remote villages with an emphasis on traditional practices, to cities buzzing with modernity, it’s a land which blends past and future seamlessly. And that’s before we discuss the world-renowned food.


On your GIA trip you will have the chance to help in a variety of ways. You could be assisting in a special needs school where you will be caring for, socializing and playing games with the children. Here you can gain an understanding of the challenges such children face and contribute to them having a space to develop and enjoy daily life.

Or you could be helping out in the Food Shop, distributing food to those desperately in need. Or perhaps teaching local university students English. Or making batches of soap which you will then deliver to communities much in need in remote parts of Vietnam. Or working alongside a local youth collective who are involved in fighting coastal erosion by planting trees to help support natural protection against floods.

But that is just the start. From floating markets to kayaking and cycling, beach trips to jeep sand safaris, lantern-making to water puppet shows and from fun trips in the remote North to boat trips in the center and south, your time in Vietnam will only leave you wanting to come back as soon as you possibly can.

All of these things are vital to the local community and your impact, even for a few days, will be felt for a long time after you leave.

vietnam adventure with Mekong Delta

Vietnam Adventure with Phu Quoc Island

North Vietnam Adventure