Italian Delights: Rome, Naples, Procida & Florence

Benvenuti in Italia! Welcome to Italy! And Welcome to Rome. This trip is about new friends, Romans and fellow countrymen. You will be getting to know the locals by teaching English to students in Naples and by helping care for the archaeological sites there. It’s important that we all take responsibility for the world’s cultural heritage if we want to see it preserved for future generations. Italy is home to an enormous amount of historical sites, but unfortunately not all of these have been well-maintained. You will have the chance to not only help but to raise awareness of the importance of looking after such places.

And when not doing the project, there’s time to get to know Italy via its food and many other activities. Pizza making in Naples, cookery classes in Tuscany, visiting the Colosseum and boat rides over to the stunning (yet often overlooked) island of Procida. In essence, this tour is about helping out, making a difference and about learning about Italy in a very hands on way.

Project Overview

There are a variety of projects you could be involved with in Naples. While this is a hugely important and historically significant city, it is also a place with some deep-rooted problems. On your trip, you will have the opportunity to help out, as even just a couple of days can leave a lasting impression.

Most of the population of Naples doesn’t speak English. Indeed Italy is regularly at the bottom of EU countries when it comes to proficiency in English. This is largely due to lessons overly focused on grammar, teachers who do not have much experience in speaking in English themselves and most critically, a media which dubs everything (movies, TV etc) into Italian. This means far less exposure to English than their Northern European counterparts, where dubbing is not employed and therefore most speak some English and many speak it fluently.

On your trip, you will spend your time with Italian students, teaching English just by conversing with them. This is not only an excellent opportunity for them to hear the language spoken by mother tongue speakers, but also a great opportunity for both sides to make some friends and really get to understand each other’s culture.

Naples has had an ongoing issue with garbage management. It is far off any recycling goals set by the EU, but it’s also far off being a clean city in general. It’s a city with a lot of litter and also a lack of green space.

Your contribution will be to help keep Naples clean and to raise awareness of what action needs to be taken moving forwards. You will be involved in helping maintain the archaeological sites, in particular some ancient Roman baths, where you will be gardening, cutting small branches and caring for the vegetation growing around the remains of the baths. You will also be involved in picking up trash from flower beds, small parks and public areas, demonstrating how the city should be preserved.

Italy as a country receives the highest number of migrants out of all European countries, by quite some margin. For those groups interested in the topic of migration, you will have the opportunity to meet with social workers and migrants, both minors and adults, to listen to their stories. It will be an opportunity to see beyond the headlines and to hear the reality from those directly affected.

Day 1: Arrival Rome

Today you can enjoy getting to know Rome in the company of your knowledgeable and entertaining tour manager who will pick you up from the airport. You will have the chance to visit the Trevi Fountain (and throw your coin in to ensure you come back!), an opportunity to stand on the Spanish steps and visit the spectacular Pantheon, a true masterpiece of Roman architecture.

This evening enjoy your first delicious Italian dinner. Buon appetito!

Overnight: Rome

Day 2:  Gladiator school & Naples

This morning it’s time to embrace your inner gladiator/gladiatrix as you train to become one! There’ll also be time to head to the Colosseum before lunch. The Colosseum was opened in 80AD and was part of the ‘bread and circuses’ ruling philosophy adopted by the Roman emperors. If you feed the masses (keeping the grain prices low) and keep them entertained (with the chariot racing and gladiator games), they will not rise up against you. It is a philosophy that some would argue is still employed in the present day.

It’s then over to St Peter’s to see the world’s most famous church before catching a high speed train down to Naples. You’ll explore this most Italian of cities, full of hustle and bustle and the feeling that everything and nothing is going on at the same moment!

Overnight: Naples

Day 3: Project Work & pizza making

This morning is spent working on one of the projects outlined above and later today, you will learn how to make pizza. Naples is the place where the Pizza Margherita derives its name and if you want to find out why, you’ll have to join us on tour! And of course the best part about the making is the eating that happens after…

Enjoy an evening walk around the lovely waterfront, looking over at Mount Vesuvius.

Overnight: Naples 

Day 4: Project Work & Pompeii

After spending the morning and early afternoon on project, it’s then time to head to Pompeii, the world famous archaeological site, so that you can see what life was like in the Roman times. Pompeii was where the citizens of Rome would come to holiday and enjoy life, much as many visit the nearby Amalfi coast today. You can see the amphitheaters and theaters, the old streets and former shops and contemplate the ways in which present day life and the Roman way of life differ.

It’s then back to Naples for further exploration of this fascinating city and some more delicious cuisine.

Overnight: Naples

Day 5: Paestum & Sorrento

Today it’s time to head down the coast to the spectacular temples of Paestum, a Greek colony dating back to 500 BC. Often overlooked thanks to the far more famous Pompeii and Herculaneum up the road, these are some of the best preserved Ancient Greek temples found anywhere in the world.

After a visit with a local guide, it’s then time to head back up to Sorrento for an afternoon and evening of gelato, pizza eating and general relaxation.

Overnight: Sorrento

Day 6: Procida

Today it’s over to the stunning little island of Procida. While so many go to Capri, this little island remains much less busy and, in our humble opinion, is far more beautiful, interesting and certainly far more authentic. You may recognise it as the backdrop to ‘The Talented Mr Ripley’ or ‘Il Postino’ but thankfully it remains relatively off most people’s radar.

Its history is long and varied, dating back to the 8th century BC when the Greeks colonized it. Procida was the first island in Italy (in 2022) to be named capital of culture too. The island is also famous for its lemons, which are large and sweeter than normal, so make sure you have a granita before you leave. Enjoy the opportunity to walk its lovely streets, have a dip in the sea (if the weather is good!) and soak up the laid-back atmosphere.

This evening head back to Naples ready to catch the high-speed train up to Florence tomorrow.

Overnight: Naples

Day 7: Florence

This morning it’s up early ready to catch the high speed train up to Florence. Upon arrival it’s time for a guided tour of the city, visiting Santa Croce (resting place of Michelangelo, Machiavelli and Galileo) and the David along the way.

Later today enjoy some further exploration time before it’s time to sample Tuscan cuisine so you can compare and contrast with Roman and Neapolitan. A word of warning, you may not love the bread. By tradition it’s made without salt… So you may want to try focaccia (the wonderfully salty bread traditionally from Genoa) instead!

Overnight: Florence

Day 8: under the tuscan sun

Today it’s all about the Tuscan countryside. Enjoy a drive through the rolling hills dotted with cypress trees. Scenes so familiar from any movie about this area. Along with visiting the beautiful little hilltop towns, you will have the chance to roll up your sleeves and make a delicious Italian meal. You’ll be able to return home and wow your family and friends with your new status as Italian chef.

And for those interested, there’s also the Tower of Pisa, now known as the most famous photo stop in Italy…

Later this afternoon it’s down to Rome for your final night there, ready to catch your flight in the morning. Enjoy your final evening in the capital and your final taste of Italian food.

Overnight: Rome

Day 8 departure

As the song goes, time to say Arrivederci Roma, but we hope that you threw your coin into the fountain, as we know that means you will be back soon!

Total Cost: From $5100

What is included


  • Pizza making

  • Gladiator training

  • Italian cookery lesson

  • Day out in Procida


  • Either assisting in teaching English, maintenance of historical sites or learning about the plight of refugees.

  • Duties include gardening, trash collection and teaching.

Accommodation & services

  • A 24/7 tour manager accompanying you throughout the trip

  • Private transportation throughout the trip

  • 3 and 4* hotels

  • 2 meals a day (please note we can cater to all dietary requirements)

  • Medical insurance up to $50,000 and baggage insurance

  • High speed train from Rome to Naples and Naples to Florence

  • Boat ticket to Procida

Visits and Tours

  • Vatican Museums

  • The David

  • Santa Croce Church in Florence

  • Florence guided tour

  • Paestum Temples

  • Pompeii

Not included in this Trip:

  • International flights (we can set these up for you)

  • Visa costs 

  • Cancellation insurance (medical insurance up to $50,000 and baggage insurance are included)