Portugal, well-known for its famous pastries, its spectacular monuments such as Dos Jeronimos in Lisbon and its stunning cities. A place of palaces such as Sintra and Pena, and an amazing coastline. A place of welcoming people, sumptuous food and a fascinating history. And after you have finished your time on project in Lisbon, it’s off to another very special place: Porto. A true gem in this European country.


On your GIA trip there are a variety of projects you could find yourself helping with. Forest fires have been blighting Portugal in recent years and curbing the risk of wildfire by keeping the forest clean is hugely important. You will be involved in tree planting to replace the trees that have burnt down, as well as helping maintain paths, tending to plants and mitigating threats to their survival.

Or you could find yourself caring for animals by helping out in a dog shelter, where rescue dogs will greatly appreciate your care and attention.

GIA also offers the chance to get involved in both a marine conservation and upcycling project. There are many ways in which you could help out to ensure your trip leaves a positive impact on Portugal and be a trip which will leave its imprint on you.

Please note: for the marine conservation project, students will require PADI certification or a trip extension to receive proper training (1 week minimum) before the project.

And after all that hard work there is plenty of time for play. This could include visits to Sintra to admire the exquisite tiles, so emblematic of the Iberian peninsula. Given Portugal’s fame as a wonderful surfing location, no trip would be complete without a surf lesson too. And then there are cookery classes, tasting tours and cycle rides to discover Porto. All this and much more awaits on a GIA trip to Portugal!

Lisbon & Porto