the philippines

The Philippines is a place best known for its spectacular beaches and its warmth, both of the people and the climate. On your GIA trip, you will have a chance to experience the warmth both as a visitor and by working alongside Philippinos. You will help them on environmental projects, construction projects and with their English; an important life skill they will require for future work prospects.

The focus of your GIA trip to the Philippines is to help improve the quality of life for under-privileged citizens in local communities. You will be involved in mangrove conservation and building eco bricks which help prevent plastic waste in the ocean.

On your teaching projects you will have a chance to share your culture and learn about the local communities.

You will be involved in initiatives focused around helping the poorest communities with construction and renovation work. This assistance is hugely significant and the impact will be felt by a very grateful people, long after you have left.

You will leave a lasting impression on both the people you help and hopefully in your life too, thanks to the relationships you will build with the local people here.

And after your hard work, it’s time to explore the beautiful islands of Palawan; truly paradise on earth. You will visit the subterranean caves and caverns, considered to be one of the 7 Natural Wonders of the world.

You will enjoy boat days out, snorkeling and exploring the other stunning islands. And you will spend time with a local tribe after having hiked through the jungle to get there.

You will return home with special memories of the place and people, having left a piece of you with them too.

Philippines adventure