Nepalese monasteries and adventure

9 Days, 8 Nights

Nepal boasts an abundance of culture and heritage. Its snow-capped mountains, Buddhist monasteries and lively population make it an incredible destination to immerse yourself in. Despite the sometimes chilly climes up in the mountains, you will receive a warm welcome from the Nepalese. Nepal may be one of the world’s financially poorest countries, but it is a culturally and spiritually rich and a place where the locals demonstrate contentment. 

This project primarily focuses on teaching, emphasizing the value of skills you can impart. You will assist local young monks who haven't had the opportunity to learn English from foreigners, helping them enhance their language and communication skills.

As well as spending time at the monastery, you will also get to experience the fun side of Nepal with whitewater rafting, canoeing, a jungle safari and visiting an elephant breeding center,

Prepare yourself for the adventure of a lifetime!

Day 1: Arrival

You will be picked up at the airport by your tour manager and taken to the monastery. Once you have had time to settle in, the afternoon will be dedicated to the program orientation, letting you know what to expect over the next few days and a tour of the monastery. 

Overnight: Monastery

Day 2: Monastery

Throughout this program, your role will involve conducting individualized conversational classes with various age groups of young and adult Buddhist monks within the monastery. On your first full day at the monastery, you will observe and participate in a Puja ceremony and meditation in the morning. You will then spend the afternoon teaching English. In the evening, there will be a quiz related to the education system.


Overnight: Monastery

Day 3: Monastery

The day begins with a talk on monastic life followed by further teaching with the monks. In the evening, you will observe a Puja ceremony and then make a presentation to the monks about your own culture and traditions. 

Overnight: Monastery

Day 4: Monastery

Your last day at the monastery begins with meditation, followed by further teaching sessions with the monks. In the evening, it’s time to pack up your things, ready for tomorrow’s departure. 

Overnight: Monastery

Day 5: Whitewater rafting

Leaving the monastery, you will head to the Trishuli River for an exhilarating  day of whitewater rafting. An expert guide will take you down the picturesque river surrounded by stunning scenery. In the evening, you will make a bonfire on the banks of the river and set up camp for the night (or head to the guesthouse for dinner - depending on the season). 

Overnight: Camping or guesthouse

Day 6: Village Tour and Jungle Safari

There is more whitewater rafting in the morning and a local village tour before beginning a jungle safari. The Chitwan National Park is renowned for protecting rhinos, Bengal tigers and Gharial crocodiles. The park is home to more than 60 species of mammals, over 50 species of reptiles and amphibians, and the largest land mammal on earth: the wild elephant. To round off the day, a canoeing trip in a traditional dug-out canoe along the River Rapti, followed by a jeep ride through the park.

Overnight: Chitwan

Day 7: Jungle Walk and Elephant Breeding Center

Your day starts trekking through the jungle, then going to the Elephant Breeding Center. The center was opened to protect the endangered elephants in the region. You will be instructed on how to prepare their meals and receive lessons on the nature and behavior of these magnificent animals. In the evening, you will be treated to a dance performed by the indigenous Tharu people. 

Overnight: Chitwan

Day 8: Chitwan - Kathmandu 

Another morning of wildlife adventure awaits, returning to The Chitwan National Park for a guided birdwatching tour, then in the afternoon heading back to Kathmandu.

Overnight: Kathmandu

Day 8: Kathmandu

The last morning in Nepal will be just as special as all the others, with a visit to Swayambhunath, an ancient religious complex in the Kathmandu valley. Perched on top of a hill overlooking the valley, visiting this ancient holy site is the perfect way to round off your stay in Nepal. Then, it is time to head to the airport and say Alavidā to Nepal. 

Total cost: From $3050

What is included


  • Whitewater rafting

  • Safari

  • Canoeing trip

  • Jungle trek

  • Elephant Breeding Center Tour

  • Birdwatching

  • Visit to Swayambhunat

Accommodation and services:

  • A 24/7 tour manager accompanying you throughout the trip

  • Private transportation throughout the trip

  • Project accommodation in project center

  • Post project accommodation in 3 and 4* hotels (plus camp or resort)

  • All meals (please note we can cater to all dietary requirements)

  • Medical insurance up to $50,000 and baggage insurance

Tickets and tours:

  • Tour of Kathmandu

  • Swayambhunath

  • Chitin National Park

  • Elephant Breeding Center


  • Teaching English to monks in the monastery

  • Participating in Puja ceremonies

  • Presentation on your traditions and culture to the monks

Not included in this Trip:

  • International flights not included (we can arrange these for you)

  • Visas, where applicable

  • Any vaccination required

  • Cancellation insurance (medical insurance up to $50,000 and baggage insurance are included)