Mexico is a riot of noise, color and tastes, all bathed in warm sunshine which is reflected in the smiles of the people. From the dancing and music to the vibrant street art, this is a place where you feel life is very much being lived. 


On your GIA trip you will be assisting on a variety of projects. You will be teaching English to children, a skill which is incredibly helpful in finding jobs and building careers in the future. You will also be involved in environmental programmes as well as volunteering at a local community center for women and children in low income areas. You will have the chance to share your culture and to learn about theirs. The work you do will have a positive impact upon the lives of those you visit as well as your own.

GIA also offers environmental projects such as assisting with sea turtles or construction work for communities in need.

And it’s not all work. You will visit an archaeological site, learn how to cook Mexican food with the locals, go snorkeling, visit artisan markets and villages and so much more! 

Mexican Adventure