Madagascan Adventure

9 Days, 8 Nights

Welcome to Madagascar, a country of extraordinary biodiversity. This isolated island nation is sometimes referred to as the eighth continent due to its distinct ecosystems and wildlife found nowhere else on Earth. This program is specially designed for ecology and conservation enthusiasts. Madagascar's lemurs face multiple challenges, including deforestation and poaching. The project focuses on habitat restoration, population monitoring and community awareness campaigns. You will also be helping to restore and maintain Madagascar’s mangroves.

In this nature lover's paradise, as well as working on important conservation projects, you will visit pristine beaches, a national park, a secluded waterfall and get to spend time with the extraordinary people of Madagascar. During your stay, you will be giving back positively to the community and in turn, Madagascar will reward you with memories that will last a lifetime. 

Day 1: Arrival - Nosy Be

You will be picked up at the airport by your tour manager and taken to your accommodation in Nosy Be. Once you have had time to settle in, the morning will be dedicated to the program orientation, letting you know what to expect over the next few days. 

This will include a brief lesson on the history and culture of Madagascar with some important ‘dos and don’ts’ and a brief introduction to the Malagasy language. 

Overnight: Nosy Be

Day 2: Lemurs & cookery class

The first day of your project work begins with an introduction, and you will then split into groups. As a volunteer, you'll work closely with the lemurs, recording data such as age, sex, behavior and physical characteristics. 

Other tasks range from aiding in preparing food and feeding lemurs, to tending to their habitats and caring for other sanctuary species. You may also assist with necessary sanctuary repairs. The Lemur Program Specialists guide all your efforts.

Every day at the project you will have a packed lunch at the site, surrounded by stunning nature, and then back to work until 3:00 pm. 

In the evening, it’s time to extend your culinary repertoire with a cooking lesson so you can show off skills back home. After your meal, a team meeting to reflect on the day’s experience and plan for the days ahead.

Overnight: Nosy Be

Day 3: Lemurs & sunset visit to mont passot

After spending the day with the lemurs, this evening, you will journey to Mont Passot, a volcanic hill with breathtaking views across the island, and watch the sun go down. 

Overnight: Nosy Be

Day 4: Lemurs & Tour of hell-ville 

Following the project work, a tour of Andoany, more commonly known by its old name, Hell-Ville. Your guide will show you around the town, explore the markets and then return to the accommodation for dinner and a movie night.

Overnight: Nosy Be

Day 5: Project Work - Lemurs 

It is the last day with the lemurs, so it is time to say goodbye. This evening, there will be a team meeting to discuss the upcoming adventures.  

Overnight: Hotel 

Day 6: snorkeling & island hopping

After all your hard work, it’s time for some fun; you will spend the day on a snorkeling adventure. Starting early, a boat will take you to two of the best snorkeling sites in the area. First up is Nosy Komba, a volcanic island paradise with clear blue seas and palm tree-lined beaches. The next stop is the island of Nosy Tanikely, another tropical idyll where you’re likely to spot turtles when you’re out in the sea. 

The evening is free for you to relax at the beach hotel.

Overnight: Hotel 

Day 7: nosy iranja island

Another day in paradise, this time on the island of Nosy Iranja, voted as one of the top ten most beautiful islands in the world. You have the whole day to take in the island, relaxing on the white sand beach, swimming in the crystal clear waters, and visiting some of the vendors on the island. A picnic lunch is provided, and then you have the rest of the afternoon on the island before heading back to the beach hotel.

Overnight: Hotel 

Day 8: Lokobe National Park

Prepare for an action-packed day as you visit Lokobe National Park, one of the region's last bastions of primary forest. Here, you'll encounter flora and fauna found nowhere else on Earth. This natural sanctuary encompasses rainforests, stunning beaches, and serves as a refuge for endangered species, notably the elusive black lemur.

In the evening it’s time for last dinner together, a chance to reflect on your amazing journey.

Overnight: Hotel 

Day 9: departure

It’s time to say goodbye to the team and ‘veloma’ to Madagascar.

Total cost: From $3000

What is included


  • Lokobe National Park

  • Snorkeling & Island Hopping

  • Boat cruise

  • Cooking lesson

  • Mont Passot

Accommodation and services:

  • All meals included

  • A 24/7 tour manager accompanying you throughout the trip

  • Private transportation throughout the trip

  • Accommodation in project center

  • 3 or 4* Hotel for the rest of the trip

  • All meals included

  • Medical insurance up to $50,000 and baggage insurance  

Tickets and Tours:

  • Lokobe National Park

  • Hell-ville city tour


  • Lemur Conservation

  • Mangrove Conservation

  • Beach clean-up

Not included in this Trip:

  • International Flights (we can arrange these for you)

  • Visas where applicable

  • Any vaccination required

  • Cancellation insurance (medical insurance up to $50,000 and baggage insurance are included)