Kenya has a bit of everything so is a great place to embark on an African adventure. As well as the infamous safaris, you can visit the Maasai tribe, learn about the spice trade industry in Mombasa, snorkel on the beautiful coral reefs of the east coast and visit the hippo-filled lakes inland.

The food is colourful and rich in flavour, with Indian influences and access to an abundance of spices. The people are welcoming. The wildlife is breath-taking.


Kenya is such a large and diverse country, there are many options for your GIA trip here. You could get involved with a conservation project, teach in a local school or help empower women by improving their business skills.

Of course your trip also gives you the chance to explore the country. You’ll go on safari and take the cross-country train between Nairobi and Mombasa. After visiting the giraffe centre in Nairobi, you’ll take a tour of Mombasa’s old town and spice markets before heading to the coast for some relaxation and a chance to snorkel in the incredible marine protected areas. There’ll be hiking, cycling and swimming - all whilst surrounded by true wild animals.

Female Empowerment