Egypt is famed for the pyramids and its ancient history. A land where desert meets sea, here you’ll see camels, temples, tombs and monuments galore.

The Red Sea is a protected area due to its immense biodiversity and coral reefs. On your GIA trip, you’ll be involved in community and conservation projects focused on waste management and marine preservation.


Litter and a lack of recycling options is a large-scale problem in Egypt. There is high plastic usage and much of this ends up as debris in the deserts and the ocean.

Your GIA project will focus on litter picking campaigns, both on land and underwater, as well as helping to educate local communities on the importance of waste management.

Once your time on the project is complete, you’ll be exploring museums and pyramids, visiting the Sphinx, enjoying a boat trip on the Nile river and hiking the desert mountains.

To participate in any underwater projects, you’ll need a scuba diving qualification. We can support you in getting this either in your own country, or by extending your trip before the project.