
Named after the equator that runs through it, Ecuador is a country of diverse landscapes, coffee and cacao. Here you’ll find beaches with waves perfect for surfing, cities rich in history, high altitude peaks of the Andes as well as part of the Amazon Rainforest.

You could find yourself hiking through rolling green countryside, wearing winter clothes at the top of a mountain or basking in the humidity of a tropical rainforest - all in one country!

There are many project offerings in this fantastic country. Help with conservation and animal welfare in the Amazon, or maybe teach in a remote community of the Andes. If you have a strong interest in a particular area, let us know and we can help organise a placement that suits you.

Outside of volunteering, you’ll be enjoying Ecuador’s capital city Quito, sampling freshly made chocolate, searching for sloths in the rainforest, hiking in the beautiful Andes and enjoying beach days on the coast.