A country of villages and lush green countryside, Cambodia is about enjoying the simple pleasures of life. Whether it’s taking the bamboo train or visiting one of the beautiful islands, it’s about a slower pace of life.


The focus of your GIA trip to Cambodia is to help improve the quality of life for under-privileged citizens in local communities. The construction projects you will be involved with, greatly improve the environment of the poverty-stricken people within this area. The main focus is on the local school dedicated to the poor which is attended by over three hundred children every day.

This GIA project has a focus on light construction work. You will be expected to help paint the school buildings; make tables & chairs; construct and renovate the playground; make pathways; build toilets; repair the school walls and help build new classrooms. 

Other construction efforts might be carried out in the local village, renovating and building houses and sanitation facilities or working on construction projects at the local hospital.

With this authentic taste of Cambodian rural culture, you will gain a truly unforgettable and life-changing experience, through your accommodation, the food and the daily interaction with the locals.

And after your hard work, you will then have a chance to explore Cambodia a little more. From visiting the pepper farms in Kampot - where you will see the secret lake and taste the peppers and spices - to cookery classes of typical Khmer food. Your trip has a variety of excursions including visits to a few of the Temples of Angkor Wat, a ride on the unique Bamboo train, a full day arts workshop with the world-famous performers at Phare Circus and as well as tuk tuk tours.

Prepare to be amazed at the history and culture Cambodia offers.

cambodian adventure with Kampot

cambodian adventure with Battambang