Greek Gems: Athens & the Islands

Athens is one of the longest continually inhabited cities in the world and today it remains as vibrant as ever. Streets crammed with cafes, bars and little shops open up into agoras (market places) dating back thousands of years. The bluest of skies replicated in the bright colors dotted through the city in among the white marble of the streets.  It is here that you begin your Greek adventure before heading to the islands.

And after your service work, there is the opportunity to visit some of Greece’s beautiful islands. Greece is actually home to some 6,000 islands, 200 odd of which are inhabited; the largest of them all is Crete where you will be going on this itinerary*.

Home to the world’s oldest olive tree and center of Europe’s oldest civilisation, the Minoan (2700 BC), Crete  truly displays Ancient Greece. In western Crete, the Venetian influence can be more keenly felt, in evidence in places such as Chania, with the lovely multi-coloured marina. Across from Crete is the island synonymous with glamor and beauty: Santorini. Oía and Fira are the epitome of Greek charm: whitewashed houses dotted with blue domes.  And for those seeking an island more known to the Greeks than outsiders, then Naxos has it all. From the stunning Apollo Gate upon entering the harbor, to the beautiful mountains and beaches, it’s no wonder the Greeks have kept it all to themselves. And that’s before we consider the beautiful neighboring island of Koufonisia, a tiny precious gem glistening in the blue/green sea. This trip is about indulgence, relaxation, beautiful beaches and fun - Opa! 

*Please note, we also have alternative versions for trips to Naxos and other Greek islands post Athens, so just get in touch to ask for more details about those options.

Project Overview

Athens is home to many stray dogs and cats (a problem which persists across Greece). Unfortunately they are often viewed as a nuisance with the terrible consequence that people poison them to get rid of them. In order to save them from this fate, animal centers rescue and keep hold of them with the hope of re-homing. On your trip you could find yourself assisting with the walking, feeding, cleaning and maintenance of the dogs, as well as caring for them.

Alternatively you could be involved in an upcycling project, helping to mitigate the effects of fast fashion whilst having a positive social impact, as the scheme also supports refugees and victims of human trafficking. 

Either way, we know that your trip to Greece will have a profound impact upon those you help as well as upon your own lives.

Day 1: Arrival Athens

Today you will be greeted by your tour manager at the airport before being taken to your hotel. Then there’s time to explore the city before an early dinner of delicious Greek food and a good night’s sleep to prepare you for the adventure ahead. 

For the voluntary work for the next few days you will either be assisting at a Dog and Cat Animal shelter or working in an upcycling center.

Overnight: Athens

Day 2:  Project Work & Guard change

This morning begins with sightseeing in Athens. Here you will visit the Parthenon, see the Greek soldiers guard change (second only to the British guard change for its impressive nature) and take a break to try some typical ‘on the go’ goodies as you walk around, such as the koulouri and famous Greek coffee.

This afternoon you will spend learning about your forthcoming days’ voluntary work, doing an orientation and getting to know the team. 

It’s then time for more delicious Greek food and some further exploration time. 

Overnight: Athens

Day 3: Project Work & Greek Dancing

This morning is spent working on either the upcycling voluntary project or in assisting in the animal shelter.

This afternoon it’s time to hike up beautiful Mount Lycabettus. While the Acropolis technically should be the highest point, in actual fact, it is Lycabettus which dominates and from where you can get a good view down onto the Parthenon. 

This evening after dinner you will have the chance to learn a few steps of the traditional Greek way of dancing. Opa! 

Overnight: Athens 

Day 4: Project Work & Temple of Poseidon

This morning is spent working on either the upcycling voluntary project or in assisting in the animal shelter.

After lunch it’s time to head off to the famous Cape Sounion, home to one of Greece’s most impressive sites - the Temple of Poseidon. It’s set in a truly spectacular location and is particularly beautiful in the later hours of the day leading up to sunset. There will be time to enjoy the beach, too, before returning to Athens.

Overnight: Athens

Day 5: Project & Crete

Today it’s your final day of service and at lunch it will be time to say your fond farewells.

This afternoon it’s time to fly down to Crete, Greece’s largest island and a place of great beauty. Home to lovely villages nestled in the mountains as well as picturesque beaches.

Overnight: Chania, Crete

Day 6: Crete Day out on boat to Balos/Gramvousa or Samaria Gorge

Chania is close to some of Crete’s most spectacular beaches and today there’s the opportunity to go and see some of them on a private boat. You will have the chance to enjoy water sports, snorkeling, swimming and a picnic lunch is provided.

For groups traveling in the spring, there is instead the opportunity to hike down the stunning Samaria Gorge (weather dependent) where you can also enjoy a picnic lunch. Or an alternative is the opportunity to make your own olive oil soap at an artisan workshop in Chania.

Overnight: Chania, Crete

Day 7: arkadi monastery & greek cookery lesson

Today you will be heading over towards Heraklion. En route visit the lovely town of Rethymno and a stunning little hillside monastery. Upon arrival, it’s time for a brief exploration before rolling up your sleeves ready to prepare some Greek delights. 

For those interested, there is the option to add a visit to the Minoan Palace of Knossos. 

Overnight: Heraklion, Crete

Day 8: Santorini

Santorini is one of the most famous, if not the most famous Greek island. Her white washed buildings and blue domes are iconic the world over. Fortunately it’s a hop, skip and a jump from Crete on board a high speed ferry so today you’ll be up early to get over there. Upon arrival, after leaving your things at the hotel, it’s time to explore Fira and Oia, the iconic towns of the island. 

Later, enjoy the famous beautiful sunset and some delicious Greek food.

Overnight: Fira, Santorini

Day 9: Santorini & Athens

This morning you have the opportunity for some last minute sightseeing / final shopping and then it’s time to head back to Athens. Enjoy a final evening there before it’s time to say goodbye to Greece and to your new Greek friends. 

Overnight: Athens

Day 10: Departure

You will be taken to the airport in time for your flight home, time to say Yassas to Greece. We hope to see you back here soon!

Total Cost: From $4700

What is included


  • Greek Dancing

  • Day out on a boat to Balos beach & snorkeling

  • Alternative: Hiking Samaria Gorge

  • Alternative to boat: Making olive oil soap

  • Greek cookery class


  • Either assisting in upcycling or working with animals at the animal shelter in Athens.

  • Duties include caring for and walking the dogs, cleaning and maintenance and involvement in social awareness campaigns to ensure people treat animals better.

  • On the upcycling project, you will be involved in work such as helping sort through the clothes and their distribution, and also in building awareness via social media campaigns which you will assist in filming and designing. An opportunity to help people think twice about buying yet more clothes when they really have no need.

Accommodation and services:

  • A 24/7 tour manager accompanying you throughout the trip

  • Private transportation throughout the trip

  • Two domestic flights

  • Project accommodation is in the project center

  • Post project accommodation in 3 and 4* hotels

  • All meals included (please note we can cater to all dietary requirements)

  • Medical insurance up to £50,000, and baggage insurance

tickets and Tours:

  • Parthenon (Acropolis)

  • Athens city sightseeing

  • Temple of Poseidon

  • Arkadi Monastery

Not included in this Trip:

  • International flights (we can set these up for you)

  • Visas where applicable

  • Cancellation insurance (Medical insurance up to $50,000 and baggage insurance are included)